In the 25th season of 'I Am Solo', Kwang-soo finally reveals the 'true charm' hidden behind his mysterious appearance.
In the episode airing on the 19th, the 'extreme mystery man' Kwang-soo's unexpected charm, which made the production team burst into laughter, will be unveiled.
Previously, during the 'self-introduction time', Kwang-soo shocked everyone by stating, "What I do is not particularly important," and "I don't take pride in my job," revealing that he is the only doctor remaining in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do.
On this day, Kwang-soo embarks on his first date with a solo woman, and when she comments, "You seem to have many special experiences," he responds, "I like to take on challenges," sharing his experiences. When the solo woman then asks, "What has been your biggest failure in life?" he pauses for a moment and replies, "The biggest failure was..." before revealing, "I lost 4 billion won."
The shocking story of losing '4 billion won' makes the three MCs, Defconn, Lee Yi-kyung, and Song Hae-na, exclaim "Wow!" in unison. Defconn then questions, "Is that not a lie? Isn't that just bluster?" giving a skeptical look.
Meanwhile, Kwang-soo continues to showcase his charm with 'quiet looks but not-so-quiet talk'. The three MCs burst into smiles watching Kwang-soo's unpredictable talk, and Song Hae-na applauds his storytelling, saying, "That expression is really good!"
As Kwang-soo's charm continues to shine, Defconn exclaims, "It's been a while since we've seen a mineral man!" getting deeply immersed in the fun of discovering him. There is keen interest in what Kwang-soo's endless charm is and who he chose as his first date partner.
The first date scene where Kwang-soo, who gained attention as a 'doctor with a 500 million won salary', shares his story of losing 4 billion won will be aired on 'I Am Solo' on the 19th at 10:30 PM on ENA and SBS Plus.
[Lee Da-kyum, Star Today Reporter]