The challenge of Kim Jun-ho, Lee Sang-min, and Lee Yong-dae in the Osaka Full Marathon has been revealed.
In the SBS entertainment program 'Miwoo's Child' (hereinafter 'Miwoo'), which aired on the afternoon of the 23rd, Kim Jun-ho, Lee Sang-min, and Lee Yong-dae appeared as the first participants challenging the Osaka buffet marathon.
On this day, with 34,000 participants, Lee Yong-dae calmed Kim Jun-ho, saying, “We just need to finish within the time, so let’s go slowly! Let’s just do 5km.” Lee Sang-min laughed, saying, “Jun-ho runs like he’s walking fast,” and when they reached 1km, Sang-min encouraged Jun-ho, saying, “Run so you can finish within 10 minutes!”
Lee Yong-dae teased Kim Jun-ho, saying, “Your expression looks like you’ve run 40km already?” and Jun-ho replied, “I’m hungry... I didn’t eat before running. Yong-dae, you go ahead!” showing signs of struggle from the start. Lee Yong-dae said, “I can’t run with you, Jun-ho hyung,” and eventually left Jun-ho behind to run, while Lee Sang-min kept pace with Yong-dae.
Sang-min quietly ran, saying, “You see this on TV, right? ‘Lee Yong-dae is in the lead group!’” The two ran hard, encouraged by the cheers of the citizens, and Shin Dong-yeop joked, “I wish Jun-ho would erase the Taegeuk mark on his left cheek.”
He said, “With people cheering for me, my legs move without me realizing it,” and he ran, passing the 2km mark. Kim Ji-min’s mother, who was watching the VCR, also cheered for her future son-in-law, saying, “Oh, Jun-ho, just run 10km!”
After passing 5km, Lee Sang-min also showed signs of fatigue, saying, “I’ll control the pace, so you run at your own pace,” sending Lee Yong-dae ahead. Yong-dae replied, “Hyung, let’s meet at 30km! I don’t know how to pace myself since it’s my first time running 42.195km,” as he passed the 6km mark.
At that moment, the first water station appeared in front of Yong-dae, but he said, “I think I’ll be okay?” and ran, giving up water to control his pace. Before he knew it, he had passed 10km and exclaimed, “I suddenly feel energized with the cheers from the side!” as he ran through downtown Osaka.
When Yong-dae passed 15km, Lee Sang-min, who had run 7km, said, “This isn’t easy... Running 10km is tough. My glasses are heavy now,” and just walked.
At the same time, Kim Jun-ho, who passed 5km, shouted, “Yong-dae~ Sang-min hyung~ We agreed to meet at 5km!” as he alternated between running and walking. When he passed 6km, a Korean citizen spotted him and asked, “Do you feel like you’re going to die?” cheering him on, to which Jun-ho replied, “Everyone left me! If you run with me, you won’t be able to run. Hurry up! Tell Ji-min I love her... I don’t think I can go back to Korea like this,” showing his romantic side and making everyone laugh. When he reached the water station, he gulped down a glass of water.
After running 14km, Sang-min declared, “If I finish 32km, I’ll eat at the buffet,” and kept running. After passing 18km, Yong-dae encountered the first food station with octopus pie, bananas, croissants, and energy gels. After tasting the octopus pie, he said, “Mmm~ Wow, it’s delicious!” as he replenished his energy.
Suddenly, a snowstorm hit, and Kim Jun-ho said, “I want to finish. My goal is to eat snacks at 22km... Actually, I just want to go 7km 130m. I’m running for my wedding on July 13...” as he ran for Kim Ji-min. By the time he passed 22km, Yong-dae also looked exhausted.
At that moment, a staff member ran up behind Kim Jun-ho, announcing, “Stop the race,” informing him of his disqualification. Kim Jun-ho was bewildered, saying, “Why just me? That guy too...” and the staff replied, “Time is up, so please call the bus,” holding onto Jun-ho.
Kim Jun-ho exclaimed, “I’m the first one out? Disqualified people get on the bus... It feels like going to prison,” as he was taken away by the bus.
On the other hand, just 2km ahead, Yong-dae suddenly complained of knee pain but gritted his teeth, saying, “Let’s not give up. If we give up, it’ll all be in vain,” and kept running. Eventually, after passing 32km, Yong-dae reached the buffet zone and met Kim Jun-ho, who had just gotten off the bus, enjoying dumplings, fish cakes, jelly, and more.
Lee Sang-min, who passed the 21km halfway point, gasped for breath, stopped, and ultimately collapsed, giving up on the marathon. The last hope, Yong-dae, said, “I have to go!” as he limped along, but upon seeing another hill ahead, he gritted his teeth, saying, “Looking ahead makes me feel like I’m going crazy. I just have to look at the ground and run.”
Overcoming numerous adversities, he finally crossed the finish line, delivering an emotional moment.

The second participant in 'Miwoo' was Kim Hee-chul. Visiting Son Dam-bi's house, Kim Hee-chul was shocked to see the pregnant Son Dam-bi, saying, “Is it real? You don’t have to do anything!”
Son Dam-bi explained, “I got pregnant through IVF. Fortunately, it worked on the second try. Usually, it takes 7-8 tries, and you have to inject yourself in the belly, right? I couldn’t get pregnant because I was underweight, but after gaining weight, I was able to conceive.”
She continued, “My husband cried when I got pregnant. I thought my mom’s wish was just for me to get married, but it turned out to be for a baby too! I think she’s happy that I’m having a baby at a late age.”
At the same time, her husband Lee Gyu-hyuk arrived, and Kim Hee-chul commented, “Hyung, your clothing style seems to have changed. You look like a dad...” but couldn’t finish his sentence, while Gyu-hyuk was pleased to see the baby clothes Hee-chul had gifted.
Gyu-hyuk then said, “Dam-bi needs to eat fruits, so I brought fruits without sugar,” as he peeled fruits for Dam-bi.
Lee Gyu-hyuk added, “My mom had a fortune told, and it said I’d have a daughter who looks like me. So my mom said, ‘What should I do? But it’s better if she looks like Dam-bi,’ making me feel like a guilty person,” which made everyone laugh.
Son Dam-bi showed Kim Hee-chul a 3D ultrasound photo, and Hee-chul marveled at the baby, saying, “It just looks like a hyung?” as he saw the baby resembling Gyu-hyuk. Gyu-hyuk then revealed an AI-generated composite photo made from the ultrasound image.
Kim Hee-chul, responding to Son Dam-bi’s wish for the baby to inherit Gyu-hyuk’s personality, said, “Yeah. I think it shouldn’t look like you,” showing his close friendship and making everyone laugh.
'Miwoo' airs every Sunday at 9:05 PM on SBS.
[Seo Ye-ji, Star Today Guest Reporter]