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‘Strong Baseball’ Producer Jang Si-won Responds to JTBC's Position: “Serious Distortion and Defamation”

JIN Hyanghee
Input : 
2025-03-11 20:52:47
‘Strong Baseball’
‘Strong Baseball’

Jang Si-won, the producer of ‘Strong Baseball’, has firmly rebutted the allegations of excessive production cost claims raised by JTBC.

On the 11th, Producer Jang Si-won responded to JTBC's statement that “we cannot collaborate from the next season due to excessive production cost claims by Studio Siwon (C1)” by saying, “This is not only a serious distortion of the facts but also an unacceptable defamatory allegation against C1 and Producer Jang Si-won.”

Producer Jang Si-won’s side stated, “JTBC also broadcasts the first game in two parts, generating advertising revenue for each part. It is difficult to understand that while JTBC earns advertising revenue per episode, C1 should receive production costs per game,” and pointed out, “This is a typical case of double standards and self-serving reasoning.”

He further explained, “The production contract between C1 and JTBC is not based on post-claims or actual cost settlements, so ‘excessive claims’ cannot structurally occur,” and added, “On the contrary, JTBC has not shared revenue distribution from direct viewing profits and related sales for two years, and for Season 3 (2024), they are even refusing to provide information on the total revenue generated.”

Additionally, Producer Jang Si-won addressed JTBC's claim that “we requested the execution details and evidence of the production costs to verify whether the funds paid to C1 were used properly, but C1 has not disclosed the relevant materials,” stating, “Since its establishment on February 25, 2022, C1 has provided all financial information requested for JTBC's external audit based on the External Audit Act until the end of 2024,” and asserted, “No issues have been raised during that process.”

On the 25th of last month, JTBC posted an announcement on its official Instagram titled ‘Notice of Cancellation of Strong Baseball Tryouts’, stating, “JTBC plans to have a maintenance period and undergo a makeover before resuming the new season of ‘Strong Baseball’, and accordingly, the tryouts scheduled for early March have been canceled.”

However, Producer Jang stated on his social media, “The stove league is currently proceeding without any issues, and the tryouts scheduled for early March will also proceed as planned,” expressing a conflicting stance by saying, “‘Strong Baseball’ belongs to the viewers and fans, so I will do my best to keep my promise to the viewers and fans.”

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