Producer and composer Donspeike, who was serving a prison sentence for drug use, has been released after completing his term.
According to a media report on the 17th, Donspeike was released earlier this month after serving a 2-year prison sentence. After his release, he is reportedly focusing on managing a steak restaurant in Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, which he runs with his younger brother, and is quietly reflecting on his actions.
Donspeike is accused of purchasing methamphetamine worth approximately 45 million won over 9 occasions and using methamphetamine a total of 14 times, including 5 instances of joint use. He is also accused of distributing methamphetamine and ecstasy on 7 occasions and possessing about 20 grams of methamphetamine. The 20 grams of methamphetamine is equivalent to about 667 doses based on the standard single-use amount of 0.03 grams.
The first trial court sentenced Donspeike to 3 years in prison with a 5-year probation, 120 hours of community service, 80 hours of drug treatment lectures, and a confiscation of approximately 39.85 million won, but the prosecution appealed, claiming the sentence was inappropriate.
Subsequently, in the appeal trial held in June 2023, the court sentenced him to 2 years in prison, unlike the first trial, and upon being taken into custody, he filed an appeal against the ruling. The Supreme Court upheld the original judgment, stating there were no issues with the sentence.
[Kim So-yeon, Star Today Reporter]